Win a Free Copy of “A Baron for Becky!”

Picture1I am so pleased to present this interview with Jude Knight, a talented writer who is sharing some pearls of wisdom. After a career in commercial writing, editing, and publishing, Jude has returned to her first love, fiction. I’d like to wish Jude a happy birthday and wish her every success in her writing career.

Leave a comment and you may win a copy of Jude’s wonderful new book, A Baron for Becky.

When did you know you wanted to be a professional writer?
I don’t remember, but my mother assures me I was seven. Certainly, for as long as I can remember, my twin ambitions were to be a mother and to be a writer of fiction. For a long time, raising children with disabilities while working as a commercial writer meant putting my fiction on the back burner. I greatly admire people who can do both. I couldn’t. Now that I’m in my 60s, I’m putting all I’ve learned in a lifetime of reading and writing into short stories, novellas, and novels. And I’m having so much fun!

What do you think a person needs to do or to have in order to be a professionalSnoopy Typing writer?
I think determination and persistence are the greatest assets a writer can have. Craft can be learned. Story ideas are everywhere. But setting a goal and going for it; keeping going when it means dragging each word kicking and screaming from your bleeding brain—that’s what makes a writer. I also think it important to strive for perfection: high quality editing, proofreading, and covers make the difference between an amateur effort and a professional one.

Do you have any long term writing goals?
I have a ten year plan. I have enough plot ideas to do three novels a year for 10 years. Since I keep having more ideas that need to be fitted in, that’s going to be a lot of novels. I would like to think that in ten years time I’ll look back at what I’m writing now targetand see a thousand ways to improve it. My overall long term goal is to keep improving.

When you’re not writing, what are you doing?
My family would probably tell you that I’m thinking about writing, but I do pay attention to them from time to time, honest! I have the best husband in the universe, and I try to spend some time with him each day. And I have wonderful children and grandchildren, a friendly and sociable church and village community, and many friends at work. So I socialise. I also like to sew and to garden, but both have gone by the board since I began Farewell to Kindness about this time last year.

Who should buy A Baron for Becky and why?Book Cover-A Baron for Becky
People who love stories of a happy ending against the odds should buy A Baron for Becky. Becky has the cards stacked against her. Only obscurity will give her a respectable future.

Thank you Jude, for your wonderful interview!

See all of Jude’s contact information below. Here is a lovely excerpt from A Baron for Becky:

Aldridge was early. She crossed to the sideboard where she kept his favourite brandy, and was pouring him a glass by the time she heard his steps in the hall. Two sets of steps? Who did Aldridge have with him?

The other man was as tall as Aldridge, but dark to his fair. He must once have been stunningly handsome, and one side of his face was still carved by a master; subtle curves and strong planes combining in a harmonious whole that spoke of strength and, in the almost invisible network of lines at the corners of his eyes, suffering.

profileOn the other side, dozens of scars pitted and ridged the skin, as if it had been torn and chewed by an animal; an animal with jaws of flame by the tell-tale burn puckers. Thankfully, whatever it was had spared his eye, which, she suddenly realised, was glaring at her.

“Well,” he demanded, and she was shaken anew by his voice, rich and mellow. She had been staring. How rude. But for some reason, she didn’t apologise as she should, but instead blurted, “I was just feeling glad that what injured you spared your eye.”

He looked startled, and suddenly a lot friendlier. “Thank you. I am glad too.”

That voice! He could charm bird from the trees with it. Becky wondered if he sang.

Take a look at Jude’s other fabulous works: Farewell to Kindness and Candle’s Christmas Chair.

Buy links:Candle's Christmas Chair Cover Farewell to Kindness
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